Verifying a smart contract on Voyager


March 3, 2023


With the rapid adoption of Starknet, it has become increasingly important to ensure the security and correctness of smart contracts deployed on the network. The user-friendly voyager-verify command-line tool makes verifying your Starknet contract hassle-free.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to verify a Starknet contract using the voyager-verify CLI. There are a few prerequisites for the installation of the CLI package:

  • Set up Node.js
  • We'll be using npm for this tutorial, but you can use a Node package manager of your choice

Before we continue, make sure you have already built and at least declared your smart contract successfully on chain. You can check if your smart contract is declared by going to<your contract class address>.

Once you have the prerequisites installed, you’re good to go! Install the CLI package with:

npm install -g voyager-verify

Now we can start the verification process for your contract. Simply enter the following command to begin the process:


You should see something like this:

Network selection for `voyager-verify` cli

As shown above, you will receive a prompt to select the network you wish to verify on. After choosing your network, you’ll be prompted for the contract or class address.

You can now input the contract or class address of your contract. Next step — select the Cairo version you’re using for your contract.

Once completed, you’ll be prompted to select your desired license for your contract - choose whichever best suits your project’s needs.

With your license information filled in, you now have to inform the CLI of your contract type: is it an account contract or not?

To complete the verification process, choose the source file you wish to use and provide the name of the contract or class. The class name you provide will appear on the class detail page on Voyager.

You should see a loader indicating that verification of the contract is underway, and it will return a success message if your verification is successful!


In this guide, we have gone through the steps of verifying a Starknet contract on Voyager using voyager-verify CLI. Interacting with an unverified contract can be risky, as it's challenging to determine the exact behavior of the contract from its ABI alone. When you verify your smart contracts, you increase transparency for users who interact with your contracts, enabling them to review the code of the contracts they are working with. We hope this tutorial has been helpful and invite you to join our Discord if you have any issues or questions!

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